10 Best Different Formal Cute Professional Ways to Say Hello or Goodbye greetings in English | Funny Different Creative Cute Romantic ways to ask how someone is | Cool ways to say how you are to a girl |

Mr Dhananjay
Saying hello or goodbye to a professional | Goodbye greetings in English | Formal ways to say hello | Goodbye greetings to colleagues | Ways to say hello & goodbye to a friend | What is a goodbye greeting called | 100 ways to say hello | old-fashioned ways to say hello | Formal ways to say hello to someone | Formal ways to say Hello in an email | Formal ways to say hello to someone funny | Ways to say hi in different languages | Creative ways to ask how someone is | Cute ways to ask how someone is | Flirty ways to ask how someone is | Fun ways to ask how someone is | how to ask how are you?'' in different ways formally | Romantic way to ask How are you | Funny ways to say how you are | Creative ways to say how you are | How to say How are you in chat | Cool ways to say how you are | Cool ways to say how you are to a girl | Cute ways to say What are you doing | Different ways to ask How are you feeling |

10 Best Different Formal Cute Professional Ways to Say Hello or Goodbye greetings in English | Funny Different Creative Cute Romantic ways to ask how someone is | Cool ways to say how you are to a girl |


10 Polite Ways to Say Hello & Goodbye | Saying hello or goodbye to a professional | Goodbye greetings in English | Formal ways to say hello |

  1. Hello
  2. Hi
  3. (informal) Hey
  4. Hi there
  5. (informal) Howdy
  6. Bye
  7. Bye-bye
  8. (informal) See ya later
  9. Take care
  10. Have a good one


10 Ways to Ask How Someone Is ? | Creative ways to ask how someone is | Cute ways to ask how someone is | Flirty ways to ask how someone is |

  1. How are you?
  2. How’s it going?
  3. How ya doin’?
  4. How are things?
  5. How’s life?
  6. How have you been?
  7. How’s your family?
  8. What’s up?
  9. What’s new?
  10. What have you been up to lately?


10 Ways to Say How You Are ? | Romantic way to ask How are you | How to say How are you in chat | Cool ways to say how you are | Cool ways to say how you are to a girl in English |

  1. I’m fine, thanks. How about you?
  2. Pretty good.
  3. Not bad.
  4. Great!
  5. Couldn’t be better!
  6. Can’t complain.
  7. I’ve been busy.
  8. Same as always.
  9. Not so great.
  10. Could be better.
Note: The way to respond to “What’s up?” and “What’s new?” is typically “Not much.”

  • Nothing much, you say
  • Oh just the usual
  • Oh Gosh, all kinds of stuff! (Very busy)
  • Yo! Howdy ? Alright mate (great)
  • Fine, Not Bad (If you Dona go long conversation)
  • Very well, Thanks (Formal)
  • Pretty Good / Great (How you doing)
  • I'm hanging in there (Negative or tough day)
  • I've been better (maybe he sad)
  • Quite Nice & Yours !

Some other ways to say if someone meet you again:

Ques: How was your day ?

Ans: It was very tiring, Nice to see you again 

Ques: Long time no see ?

Ans: Yeah ! It's been a while


I hope you'll learn about all Including Questions or keywords tags :- 10 Best Different Formal Cute Professional Ways to Say Hello or Goodbye greetings in English | Funny Different Creative Cute Romantic ways to ask how someone is | Cool ways to say how you are to a girl |

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